TruePlanning allows you to estimate the cost, schedule, and effort of software development projects.
The r2ESTIMATOR estimates cost, schedule, effort, staffing, defects & risk for software projects.
GJTester is an implementation of the Computer-Aided Software Testing (CAST) paradigm. It provides a powerful GUI to accomplish Java unit and regression test without programming effort.
This month's newsletter is delivered as an On-Demand webinar. It is the 3rd in a 5 part series entitled "Uniting your Automated and Manual Test Efforts" and focuses on uniting both your automated and manual test efforts.
The QP Project is an effort to gather a collection of practices aimed at improving the quality of software products.
This month's newsletter is delivered as an On-Demand webinar. It is the 1st in a 5 part series entitled "Uniting your Automated and Manual Test Efforts" and focuses on best practices for planning your automated test effort.
Practical - maximizing the benefit received for the effort expended. Web - Browser-based applications using the http/https protocols. Load Testing - simulating a realistic usage scenario to determine performance and/or capacity.

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